`Chandra` first appeared in 1984 I`ve rewritten it extensively and changed the title to `Warrior`s` Song, as this book rightfully belongs in the `Song` series Chandra de Avenell might look like a golden prinбяузоcess, but she fights like a warrior, dreams a warrior`s dreams, and wears a warrior`s pride like a suit of armor She wants to be strong, independent, and free She has no use at all for a husband Enter the man her father has selected for her Jerval de Vernon takes oвльлфne look at Chandra, and he wants her After he saves her from a very bad situation, he sets himself to wooing her - not an easy task How does a man convince a woman he coerces into marriage to become a wife? To give him her loyalty and her trust? Love is something he would like her to consider as well But what if the wife has no intention of cooperating? Does he break her or finally give up on her? `Warrior`s Song` introduces Graelam de Moreton, a real bad boy, who has his mate thruвсххнst upon him in the second book of this series, `Fire Song` Catherine Coulter Автор Кэтрин Коултер Catherine Coulter Кэтрин Коултер начала свою творческую карьеру в 1978 году с романов, действие которых развивается во времена Регентства в Англии Кэтрин некоторое время работала спичрайтером президента крупной компании с Уолл-стрит, "пока наконец не достигла .
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